KWC – Knowledge World Center

KWC was established in the UK under the name of Knowledge World Center. It is a company concerned with the production of Arabic digital knowledge and its indicators.

KWC has partnered with e-Marefa database in an effort to market the products & services being provided by e-Marefa in the U.S & Europe.

e-Marefa Databases is a set of integrated digital Arab databases located in Amman -Jordan that specializes in developing the digital academic Arab content and its indicators. It is considered as one of the largest global databases dedicated to promoting Arab content, research in higher education, and information industry.

e-Marefa provides around (3,000,000) records.


Academic journals in Full text.


Full text articles


Theses & dissertations in Full text.


e-Books & book reviews


Research abstracts.


Arabic Reviews of International Theses.

Partners & Agreements

e-Marefa has signed publishing agreements with 1200 entities (universities, research institutions, scientific associations.…) in 20 countries across the Arab World to curate, digitalize and index their diversified knowledge content into a single solution platform. These agreements are fully compliant with copyright regulations and provide appropriate protection of the intellectual property for the publishing bodies that work together with e-Marefa.

Services & Solutions

Academic Complete Package

Academic Journals, Arab Theses,        e-books, International Theses,..

e-Marefa Specialized Databases

A set of subject specialized services across all databases based on thematic and discipline selection.

Smart Databanks

Databanks for Arab Polls and Islamic Economics & finance.

Special Collections

Publications from various Arab publishers.

Scientific Research Solutions

Kashif system, Arcif database.