e-Marefa Specialized Databases


e-Marefa provides a set of subject specialized services across all databases based on thematic and discipline selection. These databases contain all research documents available in “e-Marefa” database, including: academic journals & articles, statistical reports, theses & dissertations, e-Books, book reviews, research abstracts, Arabic reviews of International Theses, and conference papers.

Middle Eastern Studies

It provides access to full-text documents for studies and academic research available in periodicals, theses published in the Arab world, and Arabic revisions of international theses specializing in Middle Eastern affairs available at the database of “e-Marefa” in Arabic, English, and French. This service offers researchers and the wider scientific audience a unique opportunity to learn about the issues and research developments taking place in the Middle East, covering various fields such as culture, politics, economics, religion, philosophy, history, geography, law, society and more.

Economics, Finance & Business Administration

Covers resources on economics and economic theories, economic practices, everyday economics, trade, economic history of regions, states and industry, finance and taxes, banks and financial markets, money and investment, accounting and public finance, customs, business administration, resource management and other domains.

Social Sciences

Focuses on political science, media, anthropology, cultural studies, demography, ethics, morality, ethnicity, hospitality, tourism, social issues, sociology, social work, addiction, urban studies, and refugee issues.

Islamic Studies & Arabic Literature

Specializes in a variety of resources related to Arabic language and literature studies, Arabic language scholars, grammar and morphology, rhetoric, language arts, teaching and curricula, researchers, and dialects. In addition to that it includes a significant number of specialized resources on the Holy Qur’an and Hadith. The database also consists of a variety of resources relevant to Islamic studies, e.g., Shari’a, biographies, religious aspects of life, political, social, moral, cultural, and knowledge systems, comparative studies of Islam and other religions and philosophies, impact of Islamic religion in the world and its role in globalization, and tolerance.


A database that provides resources on comparative literature, religions, history, geography, psychology, art, languages, linguistics, library and information science, philosophy, literature, music, folklore, drama, and archaeology. It is worth noting that Islamic studies, and studies of Arabic language are placed in another designated database.

International & Arab Affairs

A database that brings together several resources: firstly, the study of different relations and ties between any Arab country and other Arab countries; secondly, the study of relations and ties between any Arab country and other foreign countries; thirdly, a separate content on each individual Arab country.

Strategic Studies & International Affairs

Provides specialized academic works in various fields of security and strategic studies at the national, regional and international levels.

Social & Charitable Work and Endowments

Provides a huge amount of information for researchers, practitioners, decision-makers and those interested in the various fields of social service and charitable work.

Educational Science

A database that includes various resources on school and college education in relation to theoretical and philosophical aspects of education, in addition to educational economics, and sociology, institutes, activities, scholars, and different aspects of education. It also provides resources on Islamic education and moral aspects of education. In addition, the database includes a large number of resources on special education and care given to talented students and students with special needs, continuing education, and teaching curricula for each domain. Finally, it provides resources on academic and educational institutes in the region.

Media Studies & Social Networking

A database that provides various resources on digital media, mass media, advertisements, public opinion, social media, journalism, press, theatre, television, radio, mass communication, political propaganda, news and articles. It covers all studies and forms of audiovisual, digital and printed media.

Palestinian Affairs and the Arab- Israeli Conflict

A database that aims at providing an array of resources on the Arab-Israeli conflict and Palestinian affairs, before and after 1948. Naturally, it includes resources on Palestinians living in Israel and in the diaspora. This database is also a source for all researchers interested in the Israeli affairs.

Legal & Islamic Fiqh Resources

A database that contains various resources on laws and legislations pertaining to one or more country. It also includes resources on international law, comparative law, and organizational law. The database also provides different resources on Islamic Fiqh, especially in relation to law and legislative issues, comparative studies of Islamic Fiqh and positive laws.

American & European Studies

A database that provides resources on the affairs of north, central, and south American countries, in addition to European countries.

Studies on Youth

A database that brings together various resources on youth, as a key and strategic component of nations and as power and wealth of societies.

Maghreb Studies

A database that focuses on resources related to the Arab Maghreb region, in addition to resources on each individual Maghreb country. Resources cover political, economic, and social affairs.

Vocational & Applied Education

A database that provides resources on vocational, technical, commercial, industrial, and agricultural education. It also includes resources on traditional handicrafts and professions, micro enterprise, family and micro business management. In addition, it provides all resources related to vocational and technical colleges and institutes, curricula and teaching methods.

Women’s Studies

A database that includes a variety of resources on the political, social, psychological, educational, health, and medical issues pertaining to women. In addition, it provides studies on gender, women’s rights and vital role in building communities and civilizations. The database also includes resources on feminist and feminine movements and individual and group biographies.

Water, Energy, & Environment Issues

A database that brings together resources on water, water resources- e.g., dams, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans- drinking water, water pollution, water security, rain, irrigation, groundwater, desalination, and water and sewage systems. The database also includes resources pertaining to energy forms and resources, e.g., oil, wind, solar energy, and electric power, in addition to resources and studies on the environment, e.g., environmental management, environmental protection, pollution, environmental education, global warming, biodiversity, and environmental sciences.

Engineering Sciences & Informational Technology

A database that includes a variety of resources on technology, engineering, and engineering sub-disciplines such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, ocean engineering, water engineering, environmental engineering, highway engineering, railway engineering, bridge engineering, construction engineering, electric engineering, electronic engineering, automotive engineering, marine engineering, mining engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, nuclear engineering, and wired and wireless communication engineering. It also provides resources on IT devices, equipment, programs, and telecommunication systems.

Pharmacy, Health, Medical & Allied Sciences

A database that has a variety of resources on medicine and associated health sciences, including various disciplines of human medicine, public health, pathology, dentistry, pharmacology, nursing, physiotherapy, alternative medicine, herbal medicine, management of hospitals and clinics, forensic medicine, health awareness, medical ethics, and medical regulations.

Turkey & the Arab World

A database that provides various resources on Turkey, covering political, social and economic affairs, studies of the Turkish-Arab relations, and the ties between Turkey and individual or collective Arab countries, in addition to resources on the Ottoman Empire and the Ottomans.

The GCC-Iranian Affairs

The GCC-Iranian Affairs database provides a variety of resources on the Gulf Cooperation Council and on each member state. The database also includes resources on the Arabian Peninsula and water bodies. Naturally, the database also provides resources on the political, economic, security, and scientific affairs of Iran.

Natural & Life Sciences

A database that has a variety of resources on fundamental research, such as mathematics, statistics, biology, chemistry, physics, geoscience, natural history, botany, zoology, anthropometry, physiology, microbiology, and bacteriology.

Military & Security Database

This database provides thousands of articles, journals, reports, theses, e-books, conferences papers. that related to the military affairs, police and security issues, national security issues, and other studies on military supportive sectors.